Monday, January 27, 2020

Email Verification Feature

The school cybersecurity initiative continues to move forward.  Recently, we added an email verification feature to Blair accounts.  This feature, called two-step verification, adds an extra layer of protection by sending a confirmation code to a cell phone to verify the user's identity.  The technology team enabled the feature in stages:  first to faculty and staff, and then to each year level of students, one at a time, starting with the seniors.  Moving forward all email accounts will require two-step verification.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Mathematics Classrooms

The audio-visual systems in Weber Hall classrooms are different from other classrooms on campus. The unique multi-projector design of Blair's mathematics classrooms started with testing out the idea of a 360-degree classroom, in which multiple projectors could be used in one room, for a few math classes.  The mathematics department was pleased with the positive impact on their instruction and included this AV system design in the planned renovations of Weber Hall. The mathematics classes are now held in Weber Hall with seven 360-degree classrooms.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

On-boarding New Employees

Blair's technology team works with the Business Office to on-board new employees all throughout the year.  Beyond assigning an email address, the team creates accounts on several systems for new hires.  These accounts need usernames, passwords, and levels of access on our secure systems, including the school website, the WiFi network, and the emergency notification systems.  Technology training is also a vital part of welcoming new hires to Blair, including explaining the the mission of the Technology Office and an overview of the software systems related to their positions.