Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Design Software Available in Computer Lab

Students at Blair Academy have many opportunities to use design software in their classroom work.  In the open computer lab in the Chiang Center, students have access to the same design software used in their classes.  For example, the technology team installs on these computers and manages licenses for Inkscape and Adobe Creative Cloud.  The large screens aid students with layout that might be more challenging on their smaller laptop screens.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Annual Account Creation

During the summer months at Blair, the technology team creates accounts on several systems for incoming students, faculty, and parents.  These accounts all need usernames, passwords, and levels of access on our secure systems, including the school website, the grading platforms, and email.  The team also disables and deletes accounts for departing members of the Blair community.  This work has just been completed, and the new school year is ready to begin!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Summer Computer Set-up

The technology office team is hard at work this summer setting up computers for the new school year.  Above, User Support Specialist Mr. Kemp sets up computers with the aid of our summer intern.

Roughly 20% of the computers on campus will be brand new for the 2018-2019 school year, including laptops for faculty, desktops for academic spaces, and both laptops and desktops for office staff.  Macs, PCs, and Chromebooks are all utilized across campus.