Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Bogle Renovations for 2019-2020

Blair Academy's recent renovation of Bogle Hall includes a three-story addition with new classrooms, labs, dedicated research space for long-term projects, and upgrades to legacy spaces such as existing classrooms, labs, and Cowan Auditorium.  The technology team's work on the wiring, infrastructure, internet access points, and classroom AV systems contributed to a successful opening of the building in time for the start of the 2019-2020 school year.

Read more about the renovation project at this link:  https://www.blair.edu/support-blair/forward-thinking-campaign/bogle-hall

You can see a walk-through of the renovations by playing the video below:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Registration Days Baseline Concussion Test

Opening of school registration is a busy time for our students and families.  Each year, registration includes completion of a baseline test as part of a comprehensive approach to student athlete concussion care.  The test occurs online either at home before the student's arrival to campus or in a computer lab on registration days.  The technology team partners with the Health Center to ensure all our students complete this testing before their first team practices.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Cybersecurity at Blair

The cyber-security needs of Blair's community continue to be a top priority of the technology office.  Safety measures have already included decommissioning physical servers, enforcing drive encryption on employee laptops, and providing antivirus and malware protection campus-wide.  More recently, technology team members have also worked together to enforce multi-factor authentication, give cyber-security presentations to faculty and staff, sponsor a Skeptics talk by a cyber-security expert, provide dedicated training opportunities, and reduce potential network vulnerabilities.