Monday, October 24, 2016

Google Docs, NPR, and the Presidential Debate

Mr. Fortunato has been meeting with students for a weekly seminar focused on the current presidential election, a process which has included live video conferencing with guest speakers.  Technology is playing an increasing role in real world events. Most recently, the collaborative features of Google Docs have been used during the Presidential Debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.  NPR provided a live fact-check over a real-time transcript of the debate. Using a closed-captioning service feeding into a Google Doc, more than 50 people comprised of reporters, editors, researchers, and copy editors had access to quickly write, review, and publish annotations while the transcript was appearing on a website. There was only a one- to two-minute delay between what was said in the debate and what appeared on the site.  Google Docs collaboration is making a difference not only on our campus but beyond.

Here's a link to the NPR page: Fact Check Presidential Debate
Click here to read more information on the technical aspects of the NPR's page.

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